Pascal Andre Dufour

ARTORG Center, University of Bern, Switzerland



Current Features

  1. -Segmentation of 6 layers in normal eyes:

  1. -Segmentation of drusen in eyes of patients with AMD:

  1. -Manual segmentation and correction

  2. -Individual cell layer thickness measurements in ETDRS sectors

OCT Segmentation Application

An application to segment the human retinal cell layers. The method was presented in our paper:  P. A. Dufour et al.“Graph-Based Multi-Surface Segmentation of OCT Data Using Trained Hard and Soft Constraints.” IEEE Trans. Med. Img. 2012.

Specifications and Requirements

- Install package for Windows 7, 64bit.

  1. -Opens OCT datasets that were exported as XML from the Heidelberg Eye Explorer (HEYEX)


  1. -OCT_Segmentation_App_Setup_V1.0.0.msi

Example Datasets:

  1. -3 healthy subjects:

  2. -3 AMD patients:

The application is free to use for research purposes. We ask you to cite our paper in case you use this application in your publication.